VIDEO: Jutta Suffner zu Gast bei Priscilla Bucher von Chronisch Ehrlich

VIDEO: Jutta Suffner visiting Priscilla Bucher from Chronisch Ehrlich

May 14, 2022Jens Jens

Dipl. Ing. Jutta Suffner and Priscilla Bucher from Chronisch Ehrlich recently had an interesting interview. Chronic Honest is a company that specializes in providing information to people with chronic illnesses. In the interview, they talked about the importance of diet and exercise in the management of chronic diseases.

Jutta Suffner stressed that a balanced diet and regular physical activity are crucial in preventing and treating disease. She explained that it's important to choose a diet rich in natural nutrients and fiber to reduce inflammation in the body and boost the immune system.

Chronisch Ehrlich's Priscilla Bucher added that physical activity also plays an important role in the management of chronic diseases. She emphasized that it is not necessary to engage in intense exercise, but that even light physical activity, such as walking or yoga, can be beneficial.

Both experts also stressed the importance of stress reduction and sleep. Stress can increase inflammation in the body and weaken the immune system, which can increase the risk of chronic diseases. Getting enough sleep is also important to regenerate the body and strengthen the immune system.

The interview with Dipl. Ing. Jutta Suffner and Priscilla Bucher from Chronisch Ehrlich shows how important a holistic approach is in the treatment of chronic diseases. Eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep can help reduce the risk of disease and improve health.

Feel free to watch the interview HERE .

Sincerely yours, Jutta Suffner

Jutta Suffner on Youtube HERE

about the author

Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner

Jutta Suffner has been drawn to medicine since she was a child. After training as a medical-technical radiology assistant, she completed a degree in biomedicine and researched neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging in Canada. In Europe, the author worked for a world-renowned company in the field of ultrasound diagnostics for more than two decades.

Then, in her early 30s, she received a horrific diagnosis and was hospitalized for almost a year. The prospects of delayed viral myocarditis were bleak and the beginning of nearly seven years of transformation and recovery. So she started researching again and found that the attitude to life, the lifestyle and other natural products can help for a faster healing process. Additional training as an alternative practitioner and research into a natural food supplement have accompanied her to her current vision that dying healthy is possible.

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