Der Welt-Herz-Tag am 29.09.2023: Herzgesundheit in der modernen Zeit und natürliche Präventionsmethoden

World Heart Day on September 29, 2023: Heart health in modern times and natural prevention methods

Sep 29, 2023Redaktion blueantox

World Heart Day on September 29 is an important initiative to raise awareness of heart health challenges worldwide.

Given the increasing incidence of heart disease and its potential links to infections and vaccinations, it is very important to turn our attention to heart disease prevention.
In this article, we will explore the significance of World Heart Day in modern times and focus on natural remedies such as exercise, good nutrition, micronutrients and supplements to promote heart health.
Of particular interest is the wild blueberry, also called bilberry, and its valuable ingredients as well as its positive effect on the human body.

The significance of World Heart Day today:

In the modern world, heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death. The increasing prevalence of heart diseases is influenced by various factors including unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor dietary habits and stress. In addition, recent studies have also shown that infections or vaccinations can increase the risk of heart problems. Considering these facts, World Heart Day gains importance as it serves to raise awareness about heart health and encourage people to take preventive measures.

Prevention of heart disease:

A healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in preventing heart disease. Regular physical activity and exercise help to strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of heart problems. At the same time, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats is of great importance. To ensure that the body is adequately supplied with all the necessary nutrients, micronutrients and nutritional supplements can be a useful addition.

The wild blueberry as a natural helper for heart health:

One notable natural resource that can play a role in promoting heart health is the wild blueberry. Dipl. Ing. Jutta Suffner, an expert in the field of blueberries, has been studying their properties and benefits for years. In a video interview, she emphasizes the positive effects of the wild blueberry on the human body.

The wild blueberry is rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which can reduce inflammation. Inflammation has been linked to heart disease, and so the antioxidant properties of the wild blueberry may help keep the heart healthy. It also contains fiber, which can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition to its antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering properties, the wild blueberry also contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. These nutrients are important for strengthening the immune system and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.


World Heart Day on September 29th is an important opportunity to raise awareness of heart health and encourage people to take steps to prevent heart disease. In addition to a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a balanced diet, natural remedies such as wild blueberries can provide valuable support. The valuable ingredients of wild blueberries, especially antioxidants and fiber, contribute to heart health and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is worth following the research of experts such as Dipl. Ing. Jutta Suffner, who is intensively studying the benefits of wild blueberries and can provide new insights for heart health.

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