Dramatischer Anstieg von Herzmuskelentzündungen !

Dramatic increase in myocarditis!

Jul 04, 2023Jutta Suffner

More and more people are suffering from myocarditis!

Known in technical terms as myocarditis, it can affect people of all ages and even those who are perfectly healthy. The problem is that the disease often has no typical symptoms, which makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose it.

Jutta Suffner experienced it herself and needed seven years to fully recover. Today she is an expert in chronic health and knows what it takes to eliminate the root cause. In this conversation with presenter Peggy Rockteschel, she talks about her discovery of the all-encompassing power of wild blueberry extract. Its ingredients keep the blood supple and blood values ​​improve so that the heart can once again perform its central and vital function. The blueberry acts like a conductor, bringing body, mind and soul back into natural harmony like an orchestra.

Click HERE for the interview

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