VIDEO:  Jutta Suffner trifft Prof. Dartsch - Förderliche Wirkeffekte der wilden Blaubeere?

VIDEO: Jutta Suffner meets Prof. Dartsch - Beneficial effects of the wild blueberry?

Jun 25, 2023Redaktion blueantox

Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner has been working with natural and especially chronic health for many years.

She is firmly convinced that our body and nature have everything to offer. Especially in times when there is a suitable medicine for everything, it is important for everyone to know the traditional natural remedies, especially since medicines always officially come with side effects.

That is why Ms. Suffner has brought renowned and recognized specialists on board in her personal research to support this research.

In this video you can see the professional expertise on testing blueantox® for beneficial effects, from Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter C. Dartsch in conversation with Jutta Suffner.

Click HERE for the interview!

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