Dear friends of chronic health,
You may be wondering why, in addition to my beloved blueberries, we have now included vitamin D, magnesium citrate and omega 3 in our health orchestra.
As a classical music freak, I love symphonies. Symphony means nothing other than "sounding together, harmonious". And this is exactly what we are now transferring to our bodies.
Vitamin D:
6000 of our total of around 23000 genes alone have vitamin D receptors. The importance of vitamin D should therefore be clear to many people by now. 5000 IU/day in the form of an oil, ideally in combination with vitamins A and K, provides excellent support for your body's orchestra.
Magnesium: insomnia, depressive moods, muscle pain, heart palpitations, headaches, fatigue... all these are symptoms that a magnesium deficiency can cause.
Especially in these tough times, magnesium, in the form of valuable magnesium citrate, is THE mineral par excellence. Your heart will appreciate a magnesium boost of at least 400 mg per day. Vitamin D also needs magnesium to be converted into its active form.
Omega 3: The mass between your ears, also known as your brain, consists of 30% DHA, i.e. structural fats. This means that without fat your brain cannot function optimally. Without Omega 3, our brain cannot develop further. This can result in concentration problems and even Alzheimer's dementia. So don't let it get that far. 2g of a good Omega 3 oil with a high proportion of DHA and EPA will help you to continue to think clearly.
Did you know that the Omega 3 index is 11 in Japan and 4 in Germany? The Omega 3 index provides information about the ratio of Omega 3 to the fatty acids in the membrane of red blood cells. If the value is below 4, the risk of sudden cardiac death increases tenfold.
Vitamin C : not only contributes to a functioning immune system, but also supports our psyche, energy metabolism and even our mucous membranes (from the dental mucosa to the intestinal mucosa).
Using cauliflower as an example: 100g of freshly harvested cauliflower contains around 70 mg of vitamin C. After transport, storage and heating, these 100g contain a measly 25 mg (if that). However, since we should consume at least 500 to 1000 mg of vitamin C per day, think about where you plan to plant your next cauliflower.
Did you know that low stress tolerance, irritability, weakness and melancholy can also be associated with a vitamin C deficiency?
Blueantox: Of course my favorite :-) The valuable bioactive plant substances, highly extracted in blueantox, can demonstrably help improve the flow properties of your blood, in the apoptosis of cancer cells, and in the reduction of infections caused by viruses and bacteria . They are highly antioxidant and can regulate blood sugar levels, as has now been confirmed in many studies.
For me personally, the greatest skill of the secret power of blueantox® is its ADAPTABILITY. Imagine you are sailing your boat across the Baltic Sea in wind force 5.
Your ship (body) will only return safely to the calm harbor if the base is right and your trillions of cells are able to balance the forces of storm and wind accordingly.
Now you, dear blueberry friends, know my basic health orchestra.
I very much hope that it will carry you through the stormy times of 2022.
Best regards, Jutta Suffner and the Blaubeeren team