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Share your experiences with the blueberry!

Feb 17, 2023Jutta Suffner

What emotional memories do you associate with the wild blueberry?

Take part in the "Blueberry Challenge" in picture, word or sound:

Support us with your valuable experiences about wild blueberries.

Do you or your children/grandchildren like to draw? Let your children draw something or write to us about your experiences and encounters with wild blueberries.

Perhaps your grandparents still have something to tell about the earlier days?

You can also rate us with your real name on Google. We thank you in advance for your time and effort. Once published, you will receive a blueberry discount on your next order.

Or maybe you or your children will draw us a picture:

Source: Internet Pinterest.de

Or send us a video with your experience, a mobile phone video is sufficient.

Please also let us know if we can publish these submissions and thus share your knowledge with people.

Thank you in advance for your time and effort, and we look forward to all your valuable submissions.

Chronically healthy greetings

Your blueberry team

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