
PODCAST: Herzgesundheit
Nov 10, 2021
Heart health has been a huge topic in my life and I know that it is or was the same for many other people. In this episode we talk about the topic of heart.
PODCAST: Die wilde Blaubeere
Nov 06, 2021
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PODCAST : DARM-Gesundheit
Nov 03, 2021
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Klingeln im Ohr?
Nov 01, 2021
Where does the ringing in the ear come from?
Migräne und Entzündungen
Oct 29, 2021
What exactly happens with migraines?
Was wir von der wilden Heidelbeere lernen dürfen!
Oct 07, 2021
Do we act like a wild blueberry bush that uses its increased defenses after a fire to adapt to the new circumstances and develop more defenses? In relation to us, this means that if we find ourselves in exceptional emotional or physical situations, we too always have a choice: resign or ask ourselves what this situation has in store for us.