Klare Sicht in starken Zeiten !

Clear view in tough times!

May 02, 2022Jutta Suffner

Dear friends of chronic health,

In order to go through life safely and stably, one thing is essential: healthy eyes with a "clear" view. I deliberately say "clear" and not "sharp". We don't always have to see everything clearly, but we should always see everything "clearly" in front of our eyes.

Our eyes, more than just two "apples"!

Did you know that in Chinese medicine the eyes are seen as being closely connected to the liver ? Vision is closely linked to liver activity . If you have eye problems, it makes sense to have your liver values ​​checked.

If the liver is congested due to a malfunction, this can affect the entire head area; from shoulder and neck tension to earache and impaired vision. Everything is connected.

That's why I recommend that all patients and customers with eye problems always support the liver; preferably in combination with blueantox®-body. Here, detoxification is additionally supported by the stinging nettle.

Stable vessels for healthy eyes?

Only with healthy and stable blood vessels can our eyes be supplied with all the nutrients they need for clear vision. Unfortunately, this is often underestimated. Strengthening blood vessels is a key word. The ingredients of the wild blueberry from blueantox® provide massive support in "building" a stable blood vessel wall.

Our eyes are one of the most important organs we possess, so it is crucial to keep them as healthy as possible. One of the ways to achieve this is by regularly consuming wild blueberries.

Wild blueberries are a particularly rich source of anthocyanins, the natural pigments known for their antioxidant properties. These antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals in the body that can damage cells and cause inflammation.

In terms of eye health, these antioxidants can help stabilize blood vessels in the eyes and improve circulation. Some studies have also shown that taking wild blueberries can reduce the risk of eye conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Wild blueberries may also help reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to protect and stabilize blood vessels throughout the body. In addition, they may also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

There are many ways to incorporate wild blueberries into your diet. For example, you can eat them as a snack, add them to smoothies or cereals, or use them in the kitchen for cooking and baking. In addition, there are also dietary supplements made from wild blueberries, offering a convenient way to reap their health benefits.

Overall, regular consumption of wild blueberries is an easy and delicious way to improve eye and blood vessel health. Of course, however, it is always advisable to maintain a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of different fruits and vegetables to get the full spectrum of nutrients the body needs.

Many of you know the vascular problem from a different level: varicose veins . If too much pressure is exerted on unstable (bulging) vessels, these "unsightly" structures arise. So you can also support yourself with the wild blueberry if you suffer from varicose veins.

What do we need for our eye health?

Almost everyone knows about antioxidants (natural rust protection). Our wild blueberry from blueantox® plays a major role here. It provides a whole potpourri of antioxidants for your eye health. We ensure vascular stability through other valuable ingredients.

All in all, the wild blueberry from blueantox® can provide valuable support on the following levels:

- Focusing objects

- Light-dark adjustment

- Clear view of objects

- Reduction of damage caused by free radicals

I would be happy to test the individual dosage for you, if you write to us at info@blueantox.com

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a clear view and a broad perspective

Your Jutta Suffner and the berry-strong team from blueantox®

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