
"Tag des herzkranken Kindes: Besondere Bedürfnisse und steigende Fälle bei Erwachsenen"
May 04, 2023
We should be aware that any of us could be affected, whether as a patient or as a family member of an affected person. The Day of the Child with Heart Disease gives us the opportunity to show our solidarity and campaign for better support for people with heart disease and their families.
Problemlöser Wildheidelbeere!
Apr 27, 2023
The wild bilberry or wild blueberry has many health benefits. You will be amazed! It is particularly well known for its effects on the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that it can help lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Deutscher Venentag 2023: Tipps für eine gesunde Venengesundheit
Apr 18, 2023
Vein problems such as varicose veins, phlebitis or thrombosis can not only be uncomfortable, they can also lead to serious health problems. By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you can help improve your vein health and reduce your risk of developing vein disease.
Mitmach-Webinar mit Jutta Suffner! Brisante Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zur wilden Blaubeere
Apr 14, 2023
Our chronic health expert, Ms. Jutta Suffner, will share breaking news about the ingredients in wild blueberries and their effects on the human body. A recent study by a professor found that wild blueberries hold amazing things.
Vitamin C aus künstlicher oder natürlicher Quelle?
Mar 30, 2023
For a healthy well-being we need vitamin C. However, there is debate as to whether it is better to get a vitamin C supplement from a natural source or an artificial one.
VIDEO: Ein langes Leben in Gesundheit. Prof. Jörg Spitz trifft Jutta Suffner
Mar 27, 2023
In the video, Jutta Suffner and Professor Jörg Spitz talk about how we can lead a long and healthy life. Professor Spitz is an experienced physician and nutritionist who has worked in the field of preventive medicine for many years.