Das menschliche Herz, zwischen Blauwal und Maus !

The human heart, between the blue whale and the mouse!

Sep 26, 2022Jutta Suffner

Dear friends of chronic health,

Blue whale and mouse?

What do they have in common with us? To be honest, not much. But how did I come up with these two?

The heart of a blue whale (the largest in the world, by the way) weighs around 300 kg and pumps around 80 litres of blood through its powerful body. It has a resting pulse of 15 beats per minute.

The heart of a mouse weighs about 80 mg with a pulse of about 600 beats per minute. We humans are in between with about 300 g and about 60 to 80 beats per minute.

But why am I telling you this?

Today I received two more calls about heart health. One woman had "sudden" high blood pressure with heart palpitations after a C infection. The other was a young woman with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) after a "summer flu" with previous protection. So the topic of HEART again.

I receive such reports all the time and they make me realize that we should all listen more to our hearts and MUST support their health. Since the lungs are not very large and should be in harmony with the heart, these two wings should not be forgotten either.

In TCM, the lung and kidney meridians represent the LIFE ENERGY that needs to be nurtured and cared for.

We can support the heart and lungs,

Of course, my blueantox-sport immediately comes to mind, which particularly supports these meridians.

A high supply of vitamin C is just as important. In such cases, I recommend 1 capsule of blueantox vitamin C/E every hour, vitamin D at least 5000 IU, of course in combination with magnesium.

Since every person is different, I would definitely recommend that you - if you have heart problems - see a good cardiologist who can perform a cardiac echo with tissue Doppler if necessary. Maybe even a 3D vector ECG. There are such specialists.

Have your vitamin and mineral levels checked in your blood. Be persistent. You will find an expert in this field near you.

Heart = engine of life!

From my own experience, I can only urge you to cherish and care for your most valuable organ.

It is worth it ..

With this in mind, warm greetings

Yours, Jutta Suffner

about the author

Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner

Jutta Suffner has been drawn to medicine since she was a child. After training as a medical-technical radiology assistant, she completed a degree in biomedicine and conducted research on neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging in Canada. In Europe, the author worked for more than two decades for a world-renowned company in the field of ultrasound diagnostics.

In her early 30s, she received a terrible diagnosis and spent almost a year in bed. The prospects of a neglected viral myocarditis were bleak and the beginning of a transformation and recovery that would last almost seven years. So she began researching again and found that attitude to life, lifestyle and other natural products can help speed up the healing process. Additional training as a naturopath and research into a natural dietary supplement have helped her to achieve her current vision that it is possible to die healthy.

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