Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 - Jutta Suffner präsentiert ihr Buch!

Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 - Jutta Suffner presents her book!

Oct 28, 2022Redaktion blueantox

press release


It is possible to die healthy


Jutta Suffner presents new publication at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Frankfurt/Bad Schwartau. Jutta Suffner from Bad Schwartau presented her first book "Dying healthy, that's possible!" at the Frankfurt Book Fair. presented. The book was published by Mentoren Media Verlag and is now available in bookstores. The author was there in person for the presentation of the publisher's autumn program.

Among the new publications at the Frankfurt Book Fair from October 19 to 23, 2022 is the book "Sterben in a healthy way, that's possible" by Jutta Suffner from Bad Schwartau. The book was published by Mentoren Media Verlag and was presented at the publisher's stand as part of the autumn programme. Jutta Suffner was there in person for the book launch and book signing. She also presented the book on the Rhineland-Palatinate podium.

The book is about the journey to chronic health using information as medicine. Because nowadays our senses are flooded with information from a wide variety of channels. In the end, this flood of information can also damage our health. The book provides information about the right way to deal with yourself and your environment in order to start a journey into chronic health.

Jutta Suffner graduated with a degree in biomedicine and researched neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging in Canada. The prospects of contagious viral myocarditis in her early 30s were bleak and the beginning of nearly seven years of transformation and recovery. She started researching again and found that the attitude towards life and other natural products can help to heal faster. She lives in Bad Schwartau.

The book is available in local bookstores and by mail order. An audio book version is in preparation.

Caption: Jutta Suffner at the Frankfurt Book Fair. (Image: Marcus Steinbrücker)

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