Vitamin C und E, ein starkes Team...nicht nur für Ihre geistige Fitness.

Vitamin C and E, a strong team...not only for your mental fitness.

Aug 24, 2022Redaktion blueantox

Dear friends of chronic health,

Sherlock Holmes already said: "Watson I combine"

Natural vitamin C combined with vitamin E

And that's what I've done with my vitamin C.

Antioxidant, immune boosting!

With this we combine the two powerful vitamins C and E. Yes, they have been proven to help protect the body from oxidative stress . A blessing. Protection against rust during these times is particularly important for a functioning cell system.

Our immune and collagen systems (ATTENTION DEAR WOMEN :-), our bones and blood vessels also benefit from the valuable vitamins.

However, did you know

that the combination of natural vitamin C and vitamin E in particular also has a positive effect on our brain health ? The Johns Hopkins University came to this conclusion in a study on Alzheimer's. The participants who consumed vitamin C and vitamin E clearly had lower symptoms of Alzheimer's disease . Pure prevention!

Source: Arch Neurol 61, 82-88 (2004)

Together they are particularly strong

Vitamin E and C need each other to work optimally. Vitamin E needs vitamin C and vice versa. This is the only way to keep free radicals in check.

Various studies show in particular the positive synergistic effects on our cell system.

Blood parameters of "medieval" study participants were evaluated before and after a three-month intake of vitamin C in combination with vitamin E. The values ​​of various blood cells, including the natural killer cells, showed clearly improved parameters after ingestion

Blueantox Vitamin C with Vitamin E,

is our suitable combination for you, dear friends of chronic health.

We have combined the power fruit acerola, naturally from organic farming (which can be harvested up to four times a year) with vitamin E.

It seems a blessing in time for the transition into autumn to get your immune system in top form.

I wish you a wonderful rest of the summer

Yours and yours Jutta Suffner

about the author

Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner

Jutta Suffner has been drawn to medicine since she was a child. After training as a medical-technical radiology assistant, she completed a degree in biomedicine and researched neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging in Canada. In Europe, the author worked for a world-renowned company in the field of ultrasound diagnostics for more than two decades.

Then, in her early 30s, she received a horrific diagnosis and was hospitalized for almost a year. The prospects of delayed viral myocarditis were bleak and the beginning of nearly seven years of transformation and recovery. So she started researching again and found that the attitude to life, the lifestyle and other natural products can help for a faster healing process. Additional training as an alternative practitioner and research into a natural food supplement have accompanied her to her current vision that dying healthy is possible.

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