Infektion was nun?  Rat - Schläge oder Eigenverantwortung?

infection what now? Advice - beatings or personal responsibility?

Sep 08, 2022Jutta Suffner

Dear friends of chronic health!

Just eat more fruit and vegetables!

This was the answer of a doctor to a question from his patient who had suffered from a severe C infection. He shrugged his shoulders and said "hm...there's nothing else you can do."

Such statements disappoint me greatly, because by now people should have realized that there are indeed "means" and ways to support our immune system after an infection.

We know that in such moments we cannot support our bodies sufficiently with a "healthy diet" alone. This has been shown by many studies and, unfortunately, by the condition of many people.

How was it for me?

Over the last three weeks, I too have had the opportunity to experience what it is like to get sick with C, or let's call it "summer flu". I would therefore like to tell you about my experiences.

Every half an hour...

I took a capsule of our blueantox vitamin C. I also took 2 drops of vitamin D (=10,000 IU) daily, in combination with magnesium and omega 3.

Of course, 3 blueantox-sport every morning. Sometimes also 2 capsules at lunchtime to support the kidney and lung meridian.

Drink, drink, drink was the motto and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Those of you who know me can imagine that the latter is not usually so easy for me. But in this case: my body just wanted to sleep.

I'm thankfull,

because apparently I was supposed to go through this experience. And yes, everything has a meaning. In my case, it was a way to "slow down" the work of the last few months. Although writing the book was a real joy. Now I can gather my strength again for the fall.

In any case, my body emerges stronger from this experience.

I wish you a great start into autumn and endless strength and positive thoughts

Yours, Jutta Suffner

about the author

Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner

Jutta Suffner has been drawn to medicine since she was a child. After training as a medical-technical radiology assistant, she completed a degree in biomedicine and conducted research on neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance imaging in Canada. In Europe, the author worked for more than two decades for a world-renowned company in the field of ultrasound diagnostics.

In her early 30s, she received a terrible diagnosis and spent almost a year in bed. The prospects of a neglected viral myocarditis were bleak and the beginning of a transformation and recovery that would last almost seven years. So she began researching again and found that attitude to life, lifestyle and other natural products can help speed up the healing process. Additional training as a naturopath and research into a natural dietary supplement have helped her to achieve her current vision that it is possible to die healthy.

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#alternativepractice , #health , #immunesystem , #blueberry , #Deltascan , #informationmedicine , #heart , #brain , #intestinalhealth , #inflammation , #silentinflammation , #naturalpower #blueberry , #JuttaSuffner , #expertforchronichealth , #informationasmedicine , #prevention , #chronicdiseases , #strength , #quantummedicine , #blueantox , #wildblueberries , #academyforhumanmedicine, #healthyintestine , #strongtimes , #strongimmunesystem #vegan #love #blueberryextract #juttasuffner #diehealthily

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