
Wann ist Ihnen die letzte Laus über die Leber gelaufen?
May 21, 2022
did you know that your largest detoxification organ , the liver, is made up of a billion lobules of the liver? Each of these miracle lobes has a diameter of approx. 1.2mm. Of course, arteries and veins as well as portal vein branches are added here to complete the overall picture.
Ein beerenstarkes Leben in Balance
May 16, 2022
At the moment I'm on the road and meet many heart patients every day. From a heart attack to myocarditis, from burnout to stent implantation, everything is represented. After long conversations, (almost) everyone comes up with an essence: Life has torn them " out of balance" . They were out of balance . The heart vulnerability has come forward to recover.
VIDEO: Jutta Suffner zu Gast bei Priscilla Bucher von Chronisch Ehrlich
May 14, 2022
Dipl. Ing. Jutta Suffner and Priscilla Bucher from Chronically Healthy recently had an interesting interview
Biohacking? Lieber auf natürliche Art!
May 11, 2022
Are we saying goodbye to ourselves? To be honest, this "experience" made me think. Where have we come to if we don't learn to listen to our bodies again. Yes, even if I just didn't walk 50,000 steps and according to "biohacking" my heart rate was lower today. So what?
Klare Sicht in starken Zeiten !
May 02, 2022
Our eyes are one of the most important organs we have. It is therefore crucial to keep them as healthy as possible. One of the ways to achieve this is to consume wild blueberries on a regular basis.
60 Eier und 11 Bananen pro Tag !
Apr 25, 2022
You can easily cover your magnesium requirement per day: With 60 eggs or 11 bananas. Honestly, I can't eat that much. And you? Why is magnesium so important?