
Der Tag der gesunden Ernährung? Oder besser täglich gut ernähren?
Mar 07, 2023
The Day of Healthy Eating can also be celebrated more often. Even if it is a bit provocative, unhealthy food is like a time bomb that at some point in life can lead to the so-called diseases of civilization!
Teil 4 : Die wilde Blaubeere enthält CALCIUM
Mar 06, 2023
One of the nutrients found in wild European blueberries is calcium. The problem that calcium solves in the body is maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
VIDEO: Reizdarm oder doch Leaky Gut? Wie wichtig Darmgesundheit ist!
Mar 02, 2023
Gut health plays a crucial role in our well-being and health. A healthy gut not only ensures good digestion and nutrient absorption, but also affects our immune system and mood.
Fokus auf den Tag der Augen 2023!
Mar 02, 2023
On March 4th in Germany we celebrate Eye Day, a day that draws attention to how important our eyes are to our daily lives. So why not enjoy a handful of blueberries and pamper your eyes today on Eye Day?
Teil 3 : Die wilde Blaubeere enthält KALIUM
Mar 02, 2023
One of the nutrients found in wild European blueberries is potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral for the human body.
Teil 2 : Die wilde Blaubeere enthält Vitamin C
Feb 27, 2023
One of the nutrients found in wild blueberries is vitamin C. The problem vitamin C solves in the body is that it is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage.