Take part in the "Blueberry Challenge" in picture, word or sound. Give us feedback or tell us about your experiences. It is worth it!
In this congress we will go into new forms of therapy with top experts from the fields of epigenetics, dermatology, sports medicine, geriatric research, natural medicine and manual mobilization technology.
Valuable ingredients hidden in the wild blueberry / bilberry?
How are the important anthocyanidins activated in wild blueberries?
Crosslinking of vitamins C and D!
Vitamin C and vitamin D are essential nutrients for the human body and each play an important role in supporting health. There is some evidence that these two vitamins may work together to provide even more health benefits.
How can you tell the wild blueberry from the cultivated blueberry? Dipl. Ing. (bio-med) Jutta Suffner explains why the wild blueberry is beneficial for your well-being.