
For more than 30 years, the author has been active as a graduate engineer (bio-med) as an alternative practitioner and health expert in medicine. Natural medicine appealed to her after a very serious illness of her own.

Supposedly we are so progressive; we no longer ride from Hamburg to Munich on horseback, but sit comfortably in a warm car. We fly around the country in airplanes of incredible size and subsist on artificially produced food. Is that what really makes us human?

anthocyanins of the wild blueberry can protect the cells. Cells strengthened in this way are durable and can optimally perform their vital work for us. They stimulate the liver's detoxification system, can help to eliminate heavy metals and endotoxins and there is the possibility of reducing disease-promoting inflammation.

Have you ever heard of cellular senescence? These are "aging cells". A completely natural process intended by nature.